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8:33 PM
I hope you are all doing well! I just wanted to send you a bit of an update on what's going on here in Romania. First, let me say that I am so glad that I chose to do this, and I am so grateful for the help and support that you all offered for this adventure.
Let me give you an idea of what life is like here: I live in NE Romania in a city called Iaşi (pronounced yash). The population is about 300,000-- it's the second-biggest city in Romania (there are several cities this size). There is so much variety in the architecture here, with tons of apartment blocs from when Romania was communist, but also lots of really beautiful, old buildings. Every morning (M-F), we go to the orphanage from 9-12, and then a few times a week we go to a children's hospital in the afternoons, where we visit the children without mothers there. Sometimes, there are infants, and we change their diapers and supply them with a few more, and other times the kids are older, and we bring a few simple toys and play with them.
There are definitely lots of emotional ups and downs with everything here, but I have learned so much already. The kids I'm working with (particularly at the orphanage) have taught me sooo much. I thought I was coming here to serve them, but I definitely think they are serving and teaching me more than I am serving/teaching them! I work with mostly infants and toddlers and a few older kids with severe disabilities who are unable to walk and talk, and they are such a wonderful group of kids! It is sometimes hard to see them struggling with their physical impairments and because they live in circumstances which would not exactly be described as ideal, but they are still so full of love, and are so happy most of the time! I am learning a lot about the commandment in Mosiah 3:19 to become as a child. There is truly a lot that I can learn from these kids.
As I have spent time with these children, I have felt so strongly that they are truly children of God, our Heavenly Father, and that He comforts them and watches over them. I have never felt God's love more strongly nor had a stronger testimony of the Plan of Salvation than when I hold one of those babies or kneel by the bed of one of the children. I know that they lived as spirits prior to coming here to earth, and they chose to come to this earth, and they will return to live with their Father in heaven. I can feel that they are so close to God's love-- closer than most other people on this earth. I am so grateful for all that they've taught me so far, and I look forward to learning even more!
I hope you are all doing wonderfully wherever you may be. I love you all!
Sara Collet